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Events Calendar

Displaying 51 - 54 of 54
Family Study Room

Free hour-long one-on-one computer and tech assistance.

Marcus can help you with:

  • Becoming comfortable with your laptop, cellphone or tablet 
  • computer basics…
Storytime at Hawthorne
Community Room

READ and PLAY together with children 5 & under! Stories, songs, and rhymes for about 20 minutes, followed by playtime and an art project. 

Engaging with books, songs, and playful…

*In Hawthorne Library

Do you have clothing or other fabric items that need mending? 

Volunteers from the Sewing Machine Project are offering free mending at Hawthorne Neighborhood Library every other…

Community Room

Utilize a variety of materials from past workshops to make a truly unique creation. Materials may include; paint markets, cardboard, washi tape, wooden shapes, glass jars, stones, paper, LED…