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Events Calendar

Displaying 1 - 14 of 14
Community Room - Fireplace Side

Are you a kid who loves LEGOs? Do you enjoy engineering and designing LEGO creations?  If that is you - come join us for LEGO Club! The library will provide lots of LEGOs, and you provide the…


Please note, this event will be held at

Community Room B

Join memoir writing coach Sarah White and a community of people who read and write about life for this FREE read-and-share event. Sign up on arrival to read on a first-come, first-served…

Youth Program Room

It's time for LEGO Club! Join us the 2nd Wednesday of each month (Jan 8, Feb 12, Mar 12, Apr 9, May 14), for ages 5 to 12. Leave your own LEGOs at home - we've got plenty to share! Sometimes…

Meeting Rooms 301 and 302 Combined

Kim Jiyoung, Born 1982 follows one woman’s psychic deterioration in the face of rampant misogyny. In a tidy apartment on the outskirts of Seoul, millennial “everywoman” Kim Jiyoung spends…

Madison Room

Eilis Lacey is Irish, married to Tony Fiorello, a plumber and one of four Italian American brothers, all of whom live in neighboring houses on a cul-de-sac in Lindenhurst, Long Island, with their…

Community Room - Fireplace Side

Are you a kid who loves LEGOs? Do you enjoy engineering and designing LEGO creations?  If that is you - come join us for LEGO Club! The library will provide lots of LEGOs, and you provide the…

Meeting Rooms 301 and 302 Combined

The 2025 undergraduate and graduate creative writing awards ceremony. Presented in partnership with The UW Program in Creative Writing.

Featured author TBA.

Community Room B

Join memoir writing coach Sarah White and a community of people who read and write about life for this FREE read-and-share event. Sign up on arrival to read on a first-come, first-served…

Youth Program Room

It's time for LEGO Club! Join us the 2nd Wednesday of each month (Jan 8, Feb 12, Mar 12, Apr 9, May 14), for ages 5 to 12. Leave your own LEGOs at home - we've got plenty to share! Sometimes…

Community Room - Fireplace Side

Are you a kid who loves LEGOs? Do you enjoy engineering and designing LEGO creations?  If that is you - come join us for LEGO Club! The library will provide lots of LEGOs, and you provide the…

Community Room B

Join memoir writing coach Sarah White and a community of people who read and write about life for this FREE read-and-share event. Sign up on arrival to read on a first-come, first-served…

Community Room B

Join memoir writing coach Sarah White and a community of people who read and write about life for this FREE read-and-share event. Sign up on arrival to read on a first-come, first-served…

Community Room B

Join memoir writing coach Sarah White and a community of people who read and write about life for this FREE read-and-share event. Sign up on arrival to read on a first-come, first-served…