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Events Calendar

Displaying 1 - 25 of 79

This sale takes place at the Friends of Sequoya Bookshop,

Community Room - Fireplace Side

Are you a kid who loves LEGOs? Do you enjoy engineering and designing LEGO creations?  If that is you - come join us for LEGO Club! The library will provide lots of LEGOs, and you provide the…

Community Room

Chess meets the 1st and 3rd Mondays of every month from 4-5:45 p.m. Come and learn chess basics in the library with a 30 minute introduction of the game and then play a friendly game of chess with…

Meeting Rooms A and B Combined

For school-aged kids who know the basic moves of chess and want to practice their skills. Sessions begin with a 30 minute strategy or tactics lesson, followed by open game time. Come on in to play…

Meeting Rooms A and B Combined

Come on in for a friendly game of chess with your neighbors. All ages welcome!

Sequoya Library chess clubs are held on the first and third Tuesdays of each month (except for election days…

Study Room A

Please join us to play chess at our weekly, drop-in program! All ages and experience levels welcome.

Study Room A

Please join us to play chess at our weekly, drop-in program! All ages and experience levels welcome.

Study Room A

Please join us to play chess at our weekly, drop-in program! All ages and experience levels welcome.


This sale takes place at the Friends of Sequoya Bookshop,

Community Room

Chess meets the 1st and 3rd Mondays of every month from 4-5:45 p.m. Come and learn chess basics in the library with a 30 minute introduction of the game and then play a friendly game of chess with…

Study Room A

Please join us to play chess at our weekly, drop-in program! All ages and experience levels welcome.

Youth Program Room

It's time for LEGO Club! Join us the 2nd Wednesday of each month (Jan 8, Feb 12, Mar 12, Apr 9, May 14), for ages 5 to 12. Leave your own LEGOs at home - we've got plenty to share! Sometimes…

Meeting Rooms A and B Combined

For school-aged kids who know the basic moves of chess and want to practice their skills. Sessions begin with a 30 minute strategy or tactics lesson, followed by open game time. Come on in to play…

Meeting Rooms A and B Combined

Come on in for a friendly game of chess with your neighbors. All ages welcome!

Sequoya Library chess clubs are held on the first and third Tuesdays of each month (except for election days…

Study Room A

Please join us to play chess at our weekly, drop-in program! All ages and experience levels welcome.

Community Room - Fireplace Side

Are you a kid who loves LEGOs? Do you enjoy engineering and designing LEGO creations?  If that is you - come join us for LEGO Club! The library will provide lots of LEGOs, and you provide the…

Community Room

Chess meets the 1st and 3rd Mondays of every month from 4-5:45 p.m. Come and learn chess basics in the library with a 30 minute introduction of the game and then play a friendly game of chess with…

Study Room A

Please join us to play chess at our weekly, drop-in program! All ages and experience levels welcome.

Community Room - Table Side

The Friends of Lakeview Library will be accepting donations of books, DVDs, CDs, and vinyl on Thursday, April 24, and Friday, April 25, only. The book sale will follow on Saturday, April 26, 9:…

Community Room - Table Side

The Friends of Lakeview Library will be accepting donations of books, DVDs, CDs, and vinyl on Thursday, April 24, and Friday, April 25, only. The book sale will follow on Saturday, April 26, 9:…

Community Room Combined

The Friends of Lakeview Library will be accepting donations of books, DVDs, CDs, and vinyl on Thursday, April 24, and Friday, April 25, only. The book sale will follow on Saturday, April 26, 9:…

Photo of the blue cart full of children's books
Meeting Room B

Do you know kids who could use more books? Come by Sequoya Library this Saturday to browse the Friends of Sequoya's special children's book sale!

Study Room A

Please join us to play chess at our weekly, drop-in program! All ages and experience levels welcome.


This sale takes place at the Friends of Sequoya Bookshop,

Community Room

Chess meets the 1st and 3rd Mondays of every month from 4-5:45 p.m. Come and learn chess basics in the library with a 30 minute introduction of the game and then play a friendly game of chess with…