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Events Calendar

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Community Room - Fireplace Side

Are you a kid who loves LEGOs? Do you enjoy engineering and designing LEGO creations?  If that is you - come join us for LEGO Club! The library will provide lots of LEGOs, and you provide the…

Community Room - Fireplace Side

Come to read; come to listen; come to celebrate poetry with this group of fellow poets and poetry aficionados.

Community Room B

Join memoir writing coach Sarah White and a community of people who read and write about life for this FREE read-and-share event. Sign up on arrival to read on a first-come, first-served…

Youth Program Room

It's time for LEGO Club! Join us the 2nd Wednesday of each month (Jan 8, Feb 12, Mar 12, Apr 9, May 14), for ages 5 to 12. Leave your own LEGOs at home - we've got plenty to share! Sometimes…

Community Room - Fireplace Side

Are you a kid who loves LEGOs? Do you enjoy engineering and designing LEGO creations?  If that is you - come join us for LEGO Club! The library will provide lots of LEGOs, and you provide the…

Community Room - Fireplace Side

Come to read; come to listen; come to celebrate poetry with this group of fellow poets and poetry aficionados.

Community Room B

Join memoir writing coach Sarah White and a community of people who read and write about life for this FREE read-and-share event. Sign up on arrival to read on a first-come, first-served…

Youth Program Room

It's time for LEGO Club! Join us the 2nd Wednesday of each month (Jan 8, Feb 12, Mar 12, Apr 9, May 14), for ages 5 to 12. Leave your own LEGOs at home - we've got plenty to share! Sometimes…

Community Room - Fireplace Side

Are you a kid who loves LEGOs? Do you enjoy engineering and designing LEGO creations?  If that is you - come join us for LEGO Club! The library will provide lots of LEGOs, and you provide the…

Community Room - Table Side

Come to read; come to listen; come to celebrate poetry with this group of fellow poets and poetry aficionados.

Community Room B

Join memoir writing coach Sarah White and a community of people who read and write about life for this FREE read-and-share event. Sign up on arrival to read on a first-come, first-served…

Community Room - Table Side

Come to read; come to listen; come to celebrate poetry with this group of fellow poets and poetry aficionados.

Community Room B

Join memoir writing coach Sarah White and a community of people who read and write about life for this FREE read-and-share event. Sign up on arrival to read on a first-come, first-served…

Community Room - Table Side

Come to read; come to listen; come to celebrate poetry with this group of fellow poets and poetry aficionados.

Community Room B

Join memoir writing coach Sarah White and a community of people who read and write about life for this FREE read-and-share event. Sign up on arrival to read on a first-come, first-served…

Community Room - Table Side

Come to read; come to listen; come to celebrate poetry with this group of fellow poets and poetry aficionados.