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Volunteering at the Library

Wisconsin Book Festival Volunteers Volunteer at the Library

Our nine library locations are the go-to spot for the Madison community, and that means there's always a project (or several) in the works! In 2024, Madison Public Library volunteers contributed 6,612 hours to helping out the library. Whether you're a teen looking to complete volunteer hours for school or just a library lover who wants to connect with your neighbors, volunteering offers a unique opportunity to experience the library from a whole new perspective. 

Volunteering tasks vary by location and depending on the time of year. Your first step will be to fill out the volunteer form, indicating your area of interest, availability and the location you'd like to volunteer at. 

Projects could include any of the following: 

  • Pulling books for holds
  • Packing maker kits
  • Packaging seeds for the Seed Library
  • Weeding materials from our collection
  • Helping set up or take down for programs
  • Tabling at outreach events

Volunteers are required to complete a background check in compliance with the City of Madison's APM 2-44

Volunteer Application

Thank you for your interest in volunteering at Madison Public Library.

Volunteer Contact Info

Volunteer Opportunities

Where would you like to volunteer?

Current Openings - Alicia Ashman

Alicia Ashman Library currently cannot accept new volunteers. Volunteers who have already submitted requests via the form, have been added to a potential volunteer waitlist. Thank you for your interest in helping us at the library.

Current Openings at Central Library - 201 Mifflin St. Winter 2025:

 For high school students needing hours for National Honor Society or similar programs: please submit this form with details on your availability and the number of hours needed in what timeframe. Court-ordered community service: please let us know the number of hours you need to complete in what timeframe and provide details on your availability- time of day/days of the week.

Other unique options:

Artist TetraPAKMAN is the current Central artist-in-residence, through March 2025.
Where: Central Library

How to help:TetraPAKMAN is hard at work within his residency at Central Library and the donation of materials has slowed down. He's needing more thin cardboard boxes (i.e. cereal, toothpaste, pasta boxes; not flattened is best), jar lids (plastic or metal), and bread bag clips especially. Drop these items off in the Bubbler space on Ground Floor of Central Library anytime we are open.

Thank you!

Goodman South Madison Library - 2222 S Park St

Goodman South Madison Library appreciates your interest in volunteering, but does not need any additional volunteer assistance at this time. Thank you for your time and your interest!

Current Openings at Hawthorne Library - 2707 E Washington Ave

Hawthorne Library has no current volunteer opportunities.  Please check back in the future!

Current Openings at Lakeview Library - 2845 N Sherman Ave

Thank you for your interest--there are currently no volunteer openings at Lakeview Library. 

This submission form is not monitored when there are no volunteer opportunities.

Please check back next season for new opportunities.

Current Openings at Meadowridge Library - 5726 Raymond Rd

Thank you for your interest--there are currently no volunteer openings at Meadowridge Library. 

This submission form is not monitored when there are no volunteer opportunities.

Please check back next season for new opportunities.

Our Friends group, the Friends of the Meadowridge Library often is looking for volunteers to help with book sorting and sales, and you can contact them directly on their Facebook page.

Current Openings at Monroe Street Library - 1705 Monroe Street

Monroe Street Library does not have any current volunteer openings. Our Friends group, the Monroe Street Library League, is often looking for volunteers to help with book sorting and sales, though, and you can contact them on their Facebook page.

Current Opening at Pinney Library - 516 Cottage Grove Rd.

2024-2025 School Year Positions for Tweens/Teens

PlayLab Associate (1 shift per week). PlayLab Associates reset play areas, dust, sanitize toys, and maintain a friendly and welcoming presence in the PlayLab.  Volunteers commit to working the same hour-long shift every week (minus illness, vacation, etc).

Shifts available:
after school for an hour: Friday
7:30-8:30pm: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, or Friday

Sequoya Library - 4340 Tokay Blvd

There are currently no volunteer positions available at Sequoya Library ): If you are interested in opportunities that may open up in the future, you are welcome to submit this form to indicate your interest. You will remain on a waitlist for one year from the date of submission. This form is not regularly monitored while there are no open positions.

Some of our partner organizations below may have volunteer openings. If you're interested in working with them, please contact them directly rather than submitting this form:

  • Friends of Sequoya Library. The Friends run used book sales that raise valuable funds for the library. They may need assistance moving and sorting books at the library or at their store at 6672 Odana Road, particularly around the first week of the month, when they have their monthly book sale. If you are interested in volunteering with them, please email
  • AARP Foundation Tax-Aide. This organization provides free tax-filing help to those who need it most. They are looking for friendly and service-oriented people to join their volunteer team for the upcoming tax season. The program has several types of volunteer opportunities, and you'll receive training and support, learn new skills, and feel great while helping others. Apply at or call 1-888-AARP-NOW (1-888-227-7669).
Describe which of the current openings you'd like to volunteer to do. Do you have an idea of something not listed here? Share your idea and if it intrigues us, we'll contact you!

Again- thank you for your interest. Volunteers that work at the library will receive a background check, fill out a more extensive contact sheet, get appropriate training, and receive invitations to volunteer recognition events. We appreciate you taking the time to apply!

Sometimes a potential volunteer's interests aren't reflected here. If that's the case, we suggest United Way of Dane Countyand RSVP of Dane County (The Retired and Senior Volunteer Program) as other places to try. The Beacon, Dane County's day resource center for people experiencing homelessness, also uses volunteers.

More Ways to Volunteer

Friends of Madison Public Library Assembling Go Big Read Maker Kits November 2024 Central Library

Friends of Madison Public Library

The Friends of the Madison Public Library provide volunteer support and recognition, advocacy, and supplemental funds for special projects and collections to enhance the Library experience. Each library has its own Friends group run by dedicated volunteers.

Friends of Madison Public Library Book Store Central Library

Friends Book Store

Central Library has a used, volunteer-run bookstore on the first floor. It's open during all library hours, with proceeds benefiting library programs and resources. Volunteers are needed to help with 2- to 3-hour shifts, providing customer service, cashiering, and restocking shelves. You can choose a regular weekly shift (if available) or volunteer as a substitute when your schedule permits. 

Ways to Volunteer at Madison Public Library: Wisconsin Book Festival

Wisconsin Book Festival

Each year, the Wisconsin Book Festival brings thousands of people to Madison Public Library for wonderful book programming, but we don't do it alone. The library needs volunteers like you to make it happen! Book festival volunteers help survey guests, hand out books, give directions, help with seating and more. 

Volunteers from Madison Public Library Foundation help out at Ex Libris Event

Madison Public Library Foundation Fundraisers

The Madison Public Library Foundation offers many opportunities for volunteers to get involved - whether that's attending one of the major fundraising events, helping prepare donor mailings, or other support activities, there's always somewhere you can lend a hand. Help them, help us!