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Wisconsin Book Festival Presents: Amy Tan for The Backyard Bird Chronicles

Presented in partnership with the Aldo Leopold Foundation, in honor of Leopold Week 2025. 

This is a virtual event only. Register and join on Crowdcast here:

Tracking the natural beauty that surrounds us, The Backyard Bird Chronicles maps the passage of time through daily entries, thoughtful questions, and beautiful original sketches. With boundless charm and wit, author Amy Tan charts her foray into birding and the natural wonders of the world.

ONLINE - Go Big Read Book Discussion

Join us for our final discussion of Sitting Pretty: the view from my ordinary resilient disabled body by Rebecca Taussig! 

Growing up as a paralyzed girl during the 90s and early 2000s, Rebekah Taussig only saw disability depicted as something monstrous (The Hunchback of Notre Dame), inspirational (Helen Keller), or angelic (Forrest Gump). None of this felt right; and as she got older, she longed for more stories that allowed disability to be complex and ordinary, uncomfortable and fine, painful and fulfilling.