Lakeview Book Discussion of "The Water Keeper" by Charles Martin
Join us for a book group discussion of "The Water Keeper" by Charles Martin. Books are available at the library. New members always welcome!
Join us for a book group discussion of "The Water Keeper" by Charles Martin. Books are available at the library. New members always welcome!
Join the Alicia Ashman book club for lively, thoughtful discussions every first Thursday of the month (excluding December). Everyone is welcome and books are available at the Checkout Desk week of the event.
This Month's Read
The Wager : A Tale of Shipwreck, Mutiny and Murder by David Grann
Join us for a discussion of this month's mystery book. New members always welcome! Copies of the book may be available at the Ask Desk.
Join us for a book discussion of "Like Water for Chocolate" by Laura Esquivel. New members always welcome! Please check with library staff for location or Zoom link.
Join us for our final discussion of Sitting Pretty: the view from my ordinary resilient disabled body by Rebecca Taussig!
Growing up as a paralyzed girl during the 90s and early 2000s, Rebekah Taussig only saw disability depicted as something monstrous (The Hunchback of Notre Dame), inspirational (Helen Keller), or angelic (Forrest Gump). None of this felt right; and as she got older, she longed for more stories that allowed disability to be complex and ordinary, uncomfortable and fine, painful and fulfilling.
Join us for a mystery book group discussion of "The Golden Spoon" by Jessa Maxwell. Books are available at the library. New members always welcome!
Join us for a discussion of this month's book. New members are always welcome! Copies of the book may be available at the Ask Desk.
Join us for a sampling of hidden gems in the library's collection paired with delicious mocktails provided by Blue Plate Catering! We invite you to sip, browse, and chat with librarians and fellow book lovers about your favorite reads. Explore librarian-curated blends of popular genres and browse a collection of read-alikes for Nancy Reddy's "The Good Mother Myth," all available for checkout.
Stick around after for an author event featuring Nancy Reddy starting at 7pm.