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Carissa's App Picks for Kids

High-quality apps you can feel good about using with your child.

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Reviewed on 7/31/23

With all of the hype about the recent Barbie movie, why not try out a Barbie coloring app?  In the free version of this app, users can color a limited number of Barbie illustrations (including a Barbie with an artificial leg and vitiligo). There's a wide variety of colors, tints and shades as...

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Reviewed on 5/20/19

Have you ever been on a nature walk and seen a plant or bug or fungi that you'd never seen before and thought, "I wonder what that is?" Good news!  There's now an app for that!  To be fair, there have been a number of apps over the years that have tried to offer similar functionality, but this...

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Reviewed on 4/23/19

Have you ever wondered how hot you'd have to melt gold to get it to evaporate?  Or whether you can freeze helium? Play around with liquids, solids and gasses at different temperatures and in different containers (a jar with a lid, a bear-shaped container, a colander -- all have different...

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Reviewed on 4/15/19

This app, based on an Italian children's book, features the adventures of two cats -- one big and one little! They're on a journey and along the way they encounter obstacles big and small.  Choose the cat that you think will best be able to conquer each obstacle. You might be surprised! This...

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Age group: Preschool
Reviewed on 4/15/19

In this app, based on an Italian picture book, a group of animal friends tries to have a picnic, but keeps getting interrupted by a hungry wolf! Help them escape from the wolf by drawing a line through a maze to get them to a new picnic spot to try out! There are multiple paths and multiple...

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Age group: Preschool, Grades K-2
Reviewed on 3/23/19

Balance as many animals as you can in the boat -- or just let them swim in the ocean. Cute illustrations, open-ended play and a free price point are the high points of this app.  If you're really focused on balancing animals in the boat, you might find it frustratingly challenging as these...

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Age group: Baby/toddler, Preschool
