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Carissa's App Picks for Kids

High-quality apps you can feel good about using with your child.

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View videos of Carissa's Top Five Picks for Apps in various categories.

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Reviewed on 7/31/23

With all of the hype about the recent Barbie movie, why not try out a Barbie coloring app?  In the free version of this app, users can color a limited number of Barbie illustrations (including a Barbie with an artificial leg and vitiligo). There's a wide variety of colors, tints and shades as...

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Reviewed on 11/13/18

An app that gets players up, moving around and interacting!  This app is basically a digital version of the Silly Street board game, but it's brilliant because that means you can play anywhere and not lose any pieces!  To play the game, first choose how many people will be playing and which...

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Reviewed on 11/10/18

Play around with fitness and nutrition -- how do physical movement and food choices affect our weight? In this app, users first choose a character and workout clothes for that character. Next, they choose from a variety of exercises from crunches to running to cycling and more. They help the...

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Age group: Preschool
Reviewed on 11/5/18

What can you create in Lexi's World? Spell a word and see it come to life in Lexi's World!  With a unique choose-your-own-adventure spelling mechanism that makes this app accessible to even younger users that don't have alphabet knowledge, this app brings the joy of seeing words turn into...

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Reviewed on 10/15/18

Who's the fastest draw?  Challenge a friend (or a parent!) in this two-player drawing game.  Choose from the pre-designed drawings (from simple shapes, numbers and colors to animals, vehicles, flags and traffic signs) or design your own drawing for users to color.  The screen is set up so that...

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Age group: Grades K-2, Grades 3-5
Reviewed on 10/15/18

Does your child hate brushing their teeth?  Or rush through it? Maybe this app can help.  There are two modes--"Feed and Brush" or "Brush Together."  In "Feed and Brush" you choose which of four animal friends you'd like to feed (fox, rabbit, dog or cat). Then, you feed them some of the foods on...

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