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Events Calendar

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Community Room

Madison Public Library will be providing free garden seeds for community members at eight locations this year! 

The library is looking for volunteers to help with packaging the…

Community Room Combined

Madison Public Library will be providing free garden seeds for community members at eight locations this year! 

The library is looking for volunteers to help with packaging the…

Meeting Rooms A and B Combined

Have you ever had the pleasure of eating a sun-kissed tomato right off the vine?  If not, you don’t know what you’re missing.  Tomatoes are the most popular vegetable grown in our area.…

Photo of partially-cut vegetables next to a cute little container labeled "Compost," courtesy of Lenka Dzurendova on Unsplash
Meeting Rooms A and B Combined

The Midvale Heights Neighborhood Association's Green Team invites you to a talk with Lorenza Zebell, Program Director at Sustain Dane. She will speak about reducing food waste--from the big…

Meeting Room 115

Madison Public Library will be providing free garden seeds for community members at eight locations this year! 

The library is looking for volunteers to help with packaging the…

Meeting Rooms A and B Combined

This talk is the consumer guide to buying, growing and enjoying healthy houseplants. You will leave this talk with guidelines for potting and repotting houseplants, watering them and ways to keep…

Community Room - Fireplace Side

Do you love visiting local garden centers with the intention of selecting and purchasing plants that will bloom and grow in your flowerbeds for many years? However, when you encounter all the…

Community Room

This talk is the consumer guide to buying, growing and enjoying healthy houseplants.  You will leave this talk with guidelines for potting and repotting houseplants, watering them and ways to…

Community Room

Square-foot gardening has been around since the 1970’s. Mel Bartholomew wrote the original square-foot gardening book and now has a new version out which is just as popular as the first one. This…